AGRIVOLTAIC: Challenges and Opportunities
AGRIVOLTAIC: Challenges and Opportunities Kunal Chowdhury, Assistant Professor, Department of Renewable Energy, MAKAUT,WB. Sustainability refers to ability of avoiding depletion of natural resources. Considering different natural resources, fossil fuels are one of the key resources which are depleting continuously. Therefore, rigorous R&D activities on renewable energy resources are going on all around the world. One of the drawbacks of renewable energy is its distributiveness which leads to large area requirement. On the contrary for a population dense country, land is a prime natural resource and two basic needs related to land are energy and food. Energy is one of the central parameters of life after food. Even in food preparation the role of energy is inevitable. Access to the energy resources controlled by four parameters and these are availability, adaptability, acceptability and affordability. Solar power has the potential to meet all these requirements....