
Department of Renewable Energy Engineering-MAKAUT,WB is delighted to let you know that "Student Chapter" of Solar Energy Society of India has been formed at our University for in-house


Magazine publication of Department of Renewable Energy Engineering

 The Department of Renewable Energy Engineering-MAKAUT,WB  has published its maiden Magazine named "Renewable Energy Spectrum", Volume 1, Issue 1. Honorable Vice-chancellor Prof. Saikat Maitra officially published it on 16.11.2022. The magazine is completely conceptualized, designed and edited by the students of M.Tech in Renewable Energy (Batch 2021-23). Special mentions to Ms. Sankhageeti Saha and Mr. Ritam Paral for their efforts.

The M.Tech program in Renewable Energy under the Department of Renewable Energy Engineering got AICTE approval this year in 2022.

  The M.Tech program in Renewable Energy under the Department of Renewable Energy Engineering got AICTE approval this year in 2022. Though it is not mandatory for State Universities like MAKAUT, WB to take prior approval for starting the course but to ensure excellency in academics and research, University had opted for the approval. We are thankful to our Honorable Vice-Chancellor Prof. Saikat Maitra, Registrar Dr. Partha Pratim Lahiri, Information Scientist Dr. Md. Aftabuddin and all other Officers,   Faculties & Staffs who were involved in this approval process.

The Department of Renewable Energy Engineering organized their 3rd event of Webinar Series (Year 2022) on 21st May, 2022 at 5:00 PM

  The Department of Renewable Energy Engineering organized their 3 rd event of Webinar Series (Year 2022) on 21 st May, 2022 at 5:00 PM on Zoom Platform. The Topic of the webinar was ‘ Solar-Wind Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems ’. Youtube link:   The Guest speaker for this webinar was Mr. V.K. Tangirala , Managing Director, WindStream Energy Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. The program was initiated with the inaugural speech of Prof. T.K. Parya Director, School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, MAKAUT, WB. In his introductory speech, Prof. Parya explained the enormous potential of renewable energy sources and their various scopes of advanced research in this field at present and in future. He also highlighted various aspects and importance of wind and solar energy to save our planet from the raging energy crisis and to save our nature from global warming caused due to random use of conventional energy sources. Mr....

Academic and Research Linkage Agreement between R.K.Mission Vidyamandira and School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, MAKAUT,WB.


Department of Renewable Energy Engineering has organized webinar on ‘Introduction to Green Building and Initiatives’

  The Department of Renewable Energy Engineering organized their 2 nd event of Webinar Series (Year 2022) on 8 th April, 2022 at 12.00 Noon on Zoom Platform. The Topic of the webinar was ‘Introduction to Green Building and Initiatives’. The Guest speaker for this webinar was Mr. Amith M.C., Associate Councillor and IGBC Accredited Professional, Indian Green Building Council, CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Buisness Center. Prof. Saikat Maitra, Honourable Vice Chancellor, MAKAUT, WB inaugurated the Webinar with an introductory speech. In his speech, Prof. Maitra appreciated the effort of the Webinar Committee for planning and organizing the webinar series by this department. He pointed out the importance of organizing such lecture series on regular basis for exchanging industrial and academic knowledge among the interested participants across the broad domain of renewable energy. He also highlighted various aspects and importance of green buildings to save our planet from raging...